Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Jest mi dzis niesamo
wicie smutno. nienawidze zycia, nienawidze ludzi, chce umrzec. zatapiam noz do masla w swym watlym, mrocznym ciele.
slysze glosy, czuje zimno




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OMFG it JUST took me 25 minutes just to load up yahoo answers. My computer is REALLT slow now [laptop] Here are the things i used. Regardless its still slow. 1. Malwarebytes - Used that and no malicious items were found 2. AVG Free 9.0 - Scanned today [also updated] and no infections found 3. Disk Defragement - I did that today but still slow 4. CCleaner - Cleaned registry, yet it is still slow 5. Cookies and Squlite files - delete those everyday, yet my computer is still slow 6. Avast - Scanned for viruses and non were found, yet my computer STILL goes slow. its not my specs or anything. Even when i play games [there are no games on here] it laggs and my specs are above recommendation. When i exit game, computer goes ******* slow as hell so i know its not my specs. Any idea whats making my computer slow as hell. There are no viruses, Files, Programs on my computer that would cause this.

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